ICA Driver Participates in 2019 Make-A-Wish Mother’s Day Truck Convoy

2019 Make-A-Wish Convoy - Jayna & Ken
Jayna & Ken

UPDATE: As much as we would have loved for Mother Nature to send some clear skies and warm sunshine for this event, the rain did not dampen the spirits of those participating. Our driver, Ken, was so moved by this event, he described it as “a heartwarming experience that I feel all drivers should experience at least once. I had so much fun with my wish child that I will be participating in the convoy every year from now on.” We are so proud of Ken for volunteering and for enthusiastically making the day a memorable one for his wish child, Jayna. Jayna and her mother, Jane, enjoyed the ride and had fun talking over the CB and waving to the bystanders along the way. Jayna is a huge fan of Disney’s “Frozen” and was thrilled with the themed goodie bag Ken put together for her. Her priceless smile was enough to bring sunshine to any rainy day! It looks like this new friendship is a lasting one – Ken will be requesting Jayna as his permanent rider every year she participates, so next year her name will be proudly displayed on the banner across his truck.

If that isn’t enough to make us smile, we also have some big news….WE SURPASSED OUR GOAL YET AGAIN!!! The support has been amazing!! Our goal to surpass last year’s number was $2,700. As of Monday 5/13/19, we raised $3,265.00! What a truly humbling experience to play a small part in the lives of these spectacular children. Ken, the ICA Team, our friends, family, vendors and customers – THANK YOU SO MUCH! Together we can all make a difference!

While we have already reached our individual goal, Make-A-Wish is still looking to reach theirs. Please note that it is never too late to donate and make a difference. This year’s Convoy Fundraising continues through June 12th. Right now ICA is the second place team and you can still donate under Ken’s profile here: CONTINUE MAKING WISHES COME TRUE!

Inspired by the upcoming Aladdin movie, Make-A-Wish has also partnered with Disney and Will Smith for their #FriendLikeMe Challenge. From April 29–May 24, 2019, for every public post on Instagram and Twitter with #FriendLikeMe, Disney will donate $5, up to $1 million, to help grant life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses all over the world! Let’s unlock the magic!


Make A Wish Convoy Results

2019 Make-A-Wish Convoy

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We are pleased to announce that we are participating in the 2019 Make-A-Wish® Foundation’s Mother’s Day Truck Convoy. This year marks the 30th anniversary of this special event. Big thanks to our driver, Ken, who is continuing this new ICA tradition.

Our first time participating in this event last year was amazing! We raised $2,625 (surpassing our ultimate goal of $2,500) and were able to grant 12-year-old Ariyana’s wish to go to Disney World! Bringing such joy to her life was truly priceless. Below is a recap of this special day last year:

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We could not have done this without everyone’s help and are asking for the same support again this year. The chapter expects to grant 365 life-changing wishes – one wish per day. This is only possible because of supporters like you. Let’s make a difference together! Please join us in participating by making a donation to Ken’s goal. Can we surpass last year’s numbers?! Check in here or follow us on social media for updates.



Mother’s Day Convoy Schedule:

May 12, 2019
LOCATION: Burle Business Park, Lancaster, PA
Driver check in 6 am to 11 am.
Open to public at 8 am. Enjoy live music, games, food and hundreds of trucks!
Convoy departs 1:30 pm.


Make-A-Wish Convoy Recap
ICA’s first time participating in the Make-A-Wish Mother’s Day Truck Convoy, May 2018

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.”

Oscar Wilde

This article was posted on April 18, 2019, by Insulation Corporation of America (ICA) – a Women-Owned manufacturer of Geofoam and Expanded Polystyrene (EPS), which is commonly but mistakenly referred to as Styrofoam™. ICA is located in Allentown, PA and services the entire Mid-Atlantic Region from Virginia to Maine to Ohio.